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Unarmed Insurrections. People power movements in nondemocracies. IND

Kurt Schock
Fons bibliogràfic
Edat mínima: 16
Pau, Antimilitarisme i Conflictes
341.67 SCH

For too long the study of nonviolence has been oddly disconnected from the broader study of social movements and revolutions. With this smart, admirably empirical book Kurt S. has joined the two, greatly enriching both in the process. 

In the las 2 decades of the 20th century, a wave of "people power" movements erupted throughtout the nondemocratic world. The author compares the successes of the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, the people power movement in the Philippines, the pro-democracy movement in Nepal, and the antimilitary movement in Thailand with the failures of the pro-democracy movement in China and the anti-regime challenge in Burma. By looking at how these methods of protest promoted regime change in some countries but not in others, this book provides rare insight into the often over looked and little understood power of non-violent action. 

Calendari disponibilitat
Febrer 2025
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