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Sentencing Circles IND

Melanie Spiteri
Fons bibliogràfic
Edat mínima: 16
Pau, Antimilitarisme i Conflictes, Informació i documentació

This thesis examines the use of sentencing circles for Aboriginal offenders in Canada. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the degree to which the idea of Aboriginal justice, and the concepts associated with this idea, have been furthered by the implementation of sentencing circles in Aboriginal communities across Canada.

The amount of control that Aboriginal community members have over the sentencing circle process and sentencing itself will be an important factor in furthering the idea of Aboriginal justice within a Western justice framework.

The main source of data for this case study includes seventeen reported sentencing circles judgments, seven sentencing circle applications, and three appeals of sentencing circle decisions all of which took place between 1990 and 1999. Existing research on sentencing circles and Aboriginal justice is also explored throughout this thesis.

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