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Global obligations for the right to food IND

George Kent
Fons bibliogràfic
Edat mínima: 16
Salut, Economia i desenvolupament, Drets
613.2 GLO

This book offers an in-depth look at the urgent need for global responsibility. In this timely work, George Kent and a group of experts address issues of corporate accountability, children’s right to food, and public access to seeds. As persistent inequalities lead to increasing levels of under nutrition on the one hand, and a growing pandemic of obesity on the other hand, Global Obligations for the Right to Food brings much needed attention to this very complex issue.  A child may be born into a poor country, but not into a poor world. If global human rights are to be meaningful, they must be universal. Global Obligations for the Right to Food assesses the nature and depth of the global responsibility to ensure adequate food for the world's population. While governments have primary responsibility for assuring the right to food for people under national jurisdictions, we as a global community all have some responsibilities as well.

Global Obligations for the Right to Food explores the various actions that should be taken by governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals to ensure that all people of the world have access to adequate food.

Calendari disponibilitat
Febrer 2025
Dl Dm Dc Dj Dv Ds Dg

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